Monday, March 23, 2009

Five Piece Shakuhachi

You've all heard and seen the two-piece modern shakuhachi. This one came in last week for refurbishing and bore adjustment.

The joints were a bit loose so I am applying Urushi Lacquer to make them snug.

It's made by Kinshu and had four hankos stamps. Three by Kinshu and another by a repair person.

It came apart in five pieces! The Ro was a little unstable but after the first coat on all the joints, it's already showing it's potential. I can 't wait until it's snug. Sounds like it's going to reveal a special voice.

Namaste, Perry


  1. I was the source for this excellent flute. I am glad it's being taken care of.

  2. Are there supposed to be pics attached to this post? Because I do not see them.

  3. wow, five pieces, that must be pretty unusual, eh?

  4. Erin, I've seen 2,3 and 4 piece flutes but this one is a first time for me!

    Thanks to you Tairaku, there is a very happy shakuhachi player out there!
