Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Zen Garage CD!

Hi All, here is my CD I released with two musician friends - Tony Silva and Jonathan Keezing - from Northampton, MA.

Hear a sample track on the audio clip on my blogspot profile.

The entire CD is improvised and in the moment. The only rule was not to be afraid of silence. I'm very happy with it as I can put it on while working and not feel like I need to study the pieces!

If you are interested in purchasing the CD, you can contact me directly.

I'm also getting into some early Spring Cleaning so you may see some flutes on ebay soon starting at 99 cents!

Have a great day!


  1. "...I can put it on while working and not feel like I need to study the pieces!"

    Glad to see you've got something going on the Intarweebs again.


  2. Well, I need somewhere to go when I'm not binding a crack or holding a drill!

    Hope you are well Ed my friend.
